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Seller of vitamins soap in Iran

Seller of vitamins soap in Iran must recognize the variety of skin types of people. So he can give you the proper soap for your skin. Because the soap has different types of vitamins.

Advantages of using vitamins soap

First, let’s get acquainted with the benefits of vitamin-based soap:

  • Vitamin-enhanced soap with collagen improves the skin’s elasticity
  • It prevents the appearance of chondro plasty. Therefore, this soap is known as anti-aging soap.
  • And the glycerin in this soap keeps the skin moisture and natural softness.
  • It contains oils and free fatty acids, which are much milder than ordinary soaps.
  • A high percentage of oil and / or coconut fatty acids make cream soap
  • It lowers the alkalinity of the soap and gives it a soft feel to the skin.
  • ph. The soap of vitamins is in the range of 9 to 9/5 and is more consistent with the skin.

vitamins soap in Iran

Features of vitamin soap

In this section, we are going to explain the characteristics of the vitamin soap:

  • This soap contains vitamin E and glycerin.
  • It contains vitamin E as a skin enhancer
  • Glycerin acts as a moisturizer and prevents dryness of the skin after washing and maintaining the moisture and softness of the skin.
  • Suitable for people with eczema, psoriasis and sensitive skin. Vitamin E enhances collagen’s skin elasticity.
  • Continuous use prevents wrinkling.
  • Vitamin E is released due to the antioxidant properties that release radicals.
  • Transparent skin
  • It accelerates the metabolism process in the skin and helps to improve the condition of the skin.

vitamins soap in Iran

The price of vitamins soap in Iran

We mention the uses of vitamins soap:

  • It prevents sunburn, causes premature aging and also reduces wrinkles caused by sunburn.
  • Effective in the tenderness, freshness and health of the skin
  • Vitamin E stabilizes the skin with a hydrolipid thin skin and maintains its moisture.
  • Vitamin E prevents inflammation by preventing certain enzymes or mediators from releasing certain inflammation.
  • Suitable for face and body skin
  • Special for ladies and gentlemen

The price of vitamins soap in Iran depends on the number of these properties and varies. The more vitamins used in the compounds. Its price goes up.

vitamins soap in Iran

Best seller of soap in Tehran

Different vitamin soaps are produced in Iran. And apply to the types of skin that we express below:

  • For dry skin
  • For oily skin
  • For normal skin

Who do you think is the best seller of soap in Tehran? A good seller should recognize skin types. And also a variety of soaps. To be able to buy a customer in a soap that matches his skin. Advise Contact our sales specialist to buy your soap.

You can contact us to buy and sell this product:
banafsheh mahvi
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